सूचना : भवता/भवत्या कृतानि सम्पादनानि संरक्ष्य तानि परिवर्तनेषु द्रष्टुं गवेषकस्य पृष्ठस्य पुनरारोपणम् (reload) आवश्यकं भवति ।

  • Firefox / Safari: Shiftकुड्मलेन सह Reloadकुड्मलं नुदतु ।
  • Google Chrome: Ctrl-Shift-R नोदनेन पुनरारोपणं भवति । (⌘-R इति Mac तन्त्रांशप्रयोक्तॄभ्यः)
  • Internet Explorer: Ctrlकुड्मलेन सह Refreshकुड्मलं नुदतु, Ctrl-F5 नुदतु वा ।
  • Opera: Tools → Preferences इत्यत्र गत्वा कर्तुं शक्नोति ।
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
/* Load the geonotices. See [[Wikipedia:Geonotice]]. */
$(function() {

/** Add dismiss buttons to watchlist-message *************************************
 *  Description: Allows multiple dismiss buttons on [[MediaWiki:Watchlist-details]] with bump-able cookie IDs.
 *  Note: HTML is backwards compatible with old version, new version ignores old syntax, except for dismissed IDs.
 *  Maintainers: [[User:Ruud Koot|Ruud Koot]], [[User:MZMcBride|MZMcBride]]

function addDismissButton() {
  var docobj = document.getElementById('bodyContent') || document.getElementById('content') || document;
  var watchItems = getElementsByClassName(docobj, 'div', 'watchlist-message');
  if(watchItems.length == 0) watchItems = getElementsByClassName(docobj, 'li', 'watchlist-message');
  if(watchItems.length == 0) return
  for(var i=0;i<watchItems.length;i++) {
    var watchlistCookieID = parseInt(watchItems[i].className.replace(/.*cookie\-ID\_(\d*).*/ig,'$1'));
    if(isNaN(watchlistCookieID)) continue
    if(document.cookie.indexOf('hidewatchlistmessage-' + watchlistCookieID + '=yes') != -1) {
      watchItems[i].style.display = 'none';
    var Button     = document.createElement('span');
    var ButtonLink = document.createElement('a');
    var ButtonText = document.createTextNode('dismiss');

    ButtonLink.setAttribute('href','javascript:dismissWatchlistMessage(' + i + ',' + watchlistCookieID + ')');
    ButtonLink.setAttribute('title','Hide this message');

    Button.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ['));

function dismissWatchlistMessage(num,cid) {
  var docobj = document.getElementById('bodyContent') || document.getElementById('content') || document
  var watchItems = getElementsByClassName(docobj, 'div', 'watchlist-message');
  if(watchItems.length == 0) watchItems = getElementsByClassName(docobj, 'li', 'watchlist-message');
  watchItems[num].style.display = 'none';

  var e = new Date();
  e.setTime( e.getTime() + (4*7*24*60*60*1000) );
  document.cookie = 'hidewatchlistmessage-' + cid + '=yes; expires=' + e.toGMTString() + '; path=/';
"https://sa.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=मीडियाविकि:Common.js/watchlist.js&oldid=391102" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्