गरुडपुराणम्(GarudaPuranam) अष्टादशपुराणेषु तृतीयप्रमुखं विष्णोः कीर्तनविषयकं च वर्तते । अत्र अचारकाण्डं (कर्मकाण्डं ) , धर्मकाण्डं ( प्रेतकाण्डं ), ब्रह्मकाण्डं (मोक्षकाण्डं) इति काण्डत्रयं, तेषु च ८८०० श्लोकाः सन्ति । अस्य पुराणस्य प्रथमः भागः विष्णुगरुडयोः संवादरूपेण अस्ति। द्वितीये भागे मरणोत्तरजीवनस्य विवरणम्, अपरक्रियाः, पुनर्जन्मनः व्यवस्था च उपवर्णिता अस्ति। अतः एव अस्य पठनं हिन्दुनाम् अन्त्येष्ट्यां क्रियते।

लेखक वेदव्यासः
देश भारतम्
भाषा संस्कृतम्
शृंखला पुराणम्
विषय विष्णुः भक्तिः
प्रकार वैष्णवग्रन्थः
पृष्ठ १९,००० श्लोक

अष्टादशपुराणेषु अन्यतमं भवति गरुडपुराणम्। विष्णुः गरुडं प्रति उक्तमिदं तावत् १९००० श्लोकात्मकं इति नारदपुराण-भागवतपुराणादिषु गीयते। किन्तु इदानीं तावत् प्रायः ९०००श्लोकाः एव लभ्यन्ते। तच्च विषयभेदेन ब्रह्मखाण्ड-प्रेतखाण्डभेदेन द्वेधा। तथा धर्मखाण्ड-ब्रह्मखाण्ड-आचारखाण्डभेदेन त्रिधा इति च विभागः। तत्र

आचार्यखाण्डः-२४० अध्यायः।
गरुडपुराणे तावत् देवतासृष्टिः,देवतातारतम्यं,देवतावतारः,कृष्णचरित्रं,प्रह्लादचरित्रं,लोकवर्णनंइत्यादि नैके विचाराः निरूपितः।

नरके प्रावधान कृता दण्डानां सूचिका

नरकाणां नामावली कुकर्माणि दण्डानां नामावली
तमिस्र परसम्पत्तिहरणम्, परस्त्रीं प्रति सम्मोहनम् इत्यादि
अन्ध तमिस्र
कुम्भिपाकः भोजनार्थे हनमं यम किंकरद्वारा तप्त तैले दण्ड दियेते
कलसुथिर Torturing and putting elders & parents in starvation Same set of treatment in hell
असिपथिर Abetting God and devolve from Dharma practises Torture by evil spirits; results in fear
पनृमुख Punishing innocent people and accomplice unlawful activiites Grinding under the sharp teeth of a animal resembling pig
अन्थकुप Torturing lives and inhumane activities Biting by wild animals; wild run over by animals
अग्निकुण्ड Snatching other's property by force, gaining undue advantage and unlawfully making best out of everything in the world Roasting in agni kunda in inverted position with hands and legs ties under a stick
वज्रकण्डक Unchaste people in physical contact with unmatching people Physical hugging with fire spitting idols
कृमिभोजन Selfish survival; eating other's work Insects are left intruding the body
सम्माली Unchaste relationships by kamukas Thrashing with gadha
वैतरणी Using official stature to attain undue advantge, acting against dharma Submerging in Vaitharini river where water is mixed with blood, urine and feces
बूयोग Shameless behaviour, mixing with unchaste women & leading the life without any motive Biting by poisonous insects and animals
Prayanyoga Torturing lives and killing them Spanking the Life organs with arrows by Yama kinkaras
Pasusava All devatas are in cows; torturing those cows Slashing by canes
Sarameyathana Gutting houses, torturing lives, poisoning lives, involving in massacre Torture by unknown wild animals
Aveesi Giving false evidence Submerging and torturing in livebodies
Paribathana Drinking and making others drink alcohol Drinking lava
Sharakarthama Involving in bad activities and defaming elders and living with selfish motives Torture the Life organs by unknown spirits
Rakshogana Performing narametha yaga, eating non vegetarian dishes and torturing soft animals The same victims torture the hecklers
Soolaproga Killing innocent people, masterminding people, committing suicide and doing nambike droha Unknown birds peck and torture with shoola
Susimuga Not doing any good, amassing wealth by wrong doings and stealing wealth Stinging with nails and torturing with hunger and thirst
Kunthasootha Not doing any good and always doing bad to others Stinging by insects like scorpio
Vadaroga Severrly torturing living beings Handcuffed and burnt in fire
Piravarthana Defaming guests and not treating them Torturing with hunger and thirst
Lalapakshuga Torturing wife and involving her in unchaste relationships Same set of treatment in hell


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